Gaming NewsPC

City Building Game Whiskerwood Announced

Strategic city building game Whiskerwood has been announced for PC platform.


Developed by the Japanese gaming studio Minakata Dynamics based in Tohoku, the city-building game Whiskerwood will be released by Hooded Horse.

As an innovative game, Whiskerwood will feature complex simulation mechanics and detailed production chains. Players will make strategic decisions as they try to survive and build a safe city, defending themselves against mice and cats.

Whiskerwood cities are built on islands. Therefore, players must use scarce resources available to them carefully to build their houses, using a vertical architecture style.

Buildings in Whiskerwood

Although the ship reaches the island with some resources and a group of mice at the beginning of the game, players will have to take care of main buildings, infrastructure, and production opportunities.

Additionally, waste management and health institutions have to be maintained with proper heating. Mice can be sent to cut trees, mine in mountains, work in fields, and go fishing.

Whiskerwood supports 16 different languages for the interface and subtitles. Pre-ordering is not available at the moment, and its price has not been revealed yet.

Whiskerwood Announcement Trailer

You can find the announcement trailer of Whiskerwood below:

Whiskerwood Minimum System Requirements


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