Dead Island 2 – Extended Trailer is out now!
The release day of long awaited zombie-survival game Dead Island 2 is getting closer each day, firstly announced on E3 2014, Dead Island 2 was supposed to be released soon however do to some developement issues it took longer than expected.
- Impressive fighting mechanics.
- A chat has started on Discord that will stir up your interest! (Join us!)
- We are waiting for your comments on YouTube. Take a look at our videos!

With 2022 becoming a light of hope for Dead Island 2 and developements speeding up, we are getting more and more information about the upcoming zombie-survival game.
On March 2, the official Twitter account of Dead Island ( @deadislandgame) has announced a new extended gameplay trailer.
Dead Island 2 will be released for Pc, Playstation 4, 5 and for Xbox One, Xbox Series X on April 21 2023.