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Most expected games 2023: Starfield

Starfield, Bethesda’s long-awaited new game, will be presented to players in 2023. Many huge games will be released in 2023, and Starfield is undoubtedly one of them. The excitement created by the new Bethesda game Starfield is already felt.


It has already been 7 years since Fallout 4, the latest game developed by Bethesda Game Studios, was released. “There was also Fallout 76, you forgot it!” I can hear you say, but I’m talking about Bethesda’s specialty, single player games.

It would take a really long time to explain why I see Bethesda as an expert in this field. So much so that it can take hours to describe the experience of more than 500 hours of Skyrim and 120 hours of Fallout 4. However, I realized last month that I am really hungry for a new Bethesda game.

Every year, my love for Skyrim re-sprouts and I download and start playing immediately. Until last month, I could still spend tens of hours modding the game or playing the game with different builds. It was very enjoyable to play characters from a boxer Khajit who fought using her/his fists throughout the game, to a pacifist Rogue who tried to get things done without killing anyone. But when I got bored after spending 15 minutes in the game this year, I realized that it was time to take a long break from Skyrim.


Luckily, we won’t have to wait too long to set sail for new adventures. Bethesda’s new game Starfield is coming out in the first half of 2023! Also, Starfield has a special meaning for Bethesda. The game, which will take place outside our solar system, has the title of being the new Bethesda IP after 25 years. Starfield promises different things from the company’s other games, The Elder Scrolls and Fallout, due to the place and time it takes. Let’s take a quick look at what we know about the game.


When will Starfield come out?

Starfield will launch on Xbox Series X|S and PC in the first half of 2023 (we don’t expect it to come to Playstation). The good news is that the game will be playable by Game Pass subscribers as soon as it launches. The game’s director, Todd Howard, made such a bold statement in 2022 as: “…there will be more than 1,000 discoverable planets in the game.” Players will be able to customize their characters’ appearances, backgrounds, weapons and spacecraft.

Finally, I invite you to the last seats on the excitement train with the following statements. Howard used the words “Skyrim set in space” for Starfield, while Xbox Game Studios president Matt Booty emphasized that Starfield will be much more than Skyrim in space.

Author: Arda Bahçekapılı
Translator: Hilal Kopuz

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Managing Editor / 2022

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