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Overwatch 2 beta begins on June 28, sign-up now!

Overwatch 2 is on its way and fans are waiting to get their hands on it on October 4. The second Overwatch 2 beta is planned for June 28, and it will feature a new character called Junker Queen with a new map. If you would like to request beta access, click here.

Overwatch 2

As you may know, the first beta was on April 26, a group of selected players received the invitation to play the beta. On June 16th, during the Overwatch 2 showcase, a Blizzard Entertainment developer gave fans an extensive “sneak peek” about the changes they are planning. The most outstanding one was the battle pass model. The system is said to be replaced the Overwatch lootboxes, so no waiting for the shiny gold coin spins folks!

With each season we are promised to have at least a new hero, map, or a game mode.

Good luck getting the POTG with Hanzo or Genji, SAKE!


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