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The Sims 4 expansion pack ‘Growing Together’ has amazing details!

The Sims 4 ‘Growing Together’ has unique features such as surgery scars, birthmarks, and more. The new expansion package that focuses on family life will launch on PC, Mac, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One, and Xbox X|S on March 16.

The Sims 4, developed by Maxis and published by EA, has announced its 13th expansion package ‘Growing Together‘. The package will launch on March 16. It will focus on family life and has unique features like birthmarks, stretch marks and cesarean scars, and more.

New trailer for the Growing Together expansion pack has been revealed

Social dynamics and family ties

A new trailer has been revealed and it was full of new information about the expansion pack. With the new feature, Family Dynamics, players will be able to control the story as they want. You can choose whether to live with your family or move out. But of course, every decision has its own results. Your Sims will receive new traits according to the decision. You may have bad relations with your family or good relations. With the new features not only with your family but also with your family members, you will have different kinds of dynamics. While the partners have close dynamics, siblings may have difficult dynamics.

New milestones

New milestones for adults, children, and infants will be added with the expansion pack. Adults will have new milestones like getting fired, falling in love, having a baby, and getting married. Children will have milestones such as losing a tooth and learning to ride a bike. New milestones for the infants are will be learning how to crawl, poopy diapers, trying new foods, and more.

The Sims 4 Growing Together

New world new neighbors

With the new world, we will see San Sequoia and meet with new neighbors like Michaelson Family that residents in Hopewell Hills.

The Sims 4 Growing Together will launch on PC, Mac, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One, and Xbox X|S on March 16.


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