Popüler anime ve manga Tokyo Ghoul’a dayanan Ro-Ghoul, iki gruptan birine katılmanızı sağlayan karanlık bir fantezi Roblox oyunudur. İşte her ay paylaştığımız Roblox: Ro Ghoul kodları.

Ya insanlığı yok etmek amacıyla bir Ghoul olarak ya da insanlığı korumak amacıyla CCG’nin (Karşı Ghoul Komisyonu) bir üyesi olarak. Hangi gruba katılırsanız katılın, mümkün olduğunca çok İtibar ve Yen’e ve elinize geçirebileceğiniz kadar çok RC Hücresine ihtiyacınız olacak – oyun geçişini ucuza almanıza, Kagune’nizi geliştirmenize ve daha iyi maskeler almanıza yardımcı olacak.
Güncelleme: 12 Mart 2025
Aktif Ro-Ghoul kodları
- !Code 1kLikesOvernightRC – 30 color credits, 2M RC, and ten levels (new!)
- !Code 1kLikesOvernightYEN – 30 color credits, 20M yen, and ten levels
- !Code Valent-eye-nes – exclusive mask, 60 color credits, 1M RC and 10M yen
- !Code ByeLaggyGyaMobs – 100 color credits and 100 hearts (new!)
- !Code HNY25 – 75 color credits, 2.5m RC, 25m yen, and 25 levels
- !Code HappyHolidays24! – 75 color credits, 2.5m RC, 25m yen, and 25 levels
- !Code AllIWantForChristmasIsCodes – 75 color credits, 2.5m RC, 25m yen, and 25 levels
- !Code Isn’t it Beautiful? – rewards
- !Code TheNextUpdateIsSoBeautiful – 20 color credits, 2M RC, 20M yen, and 20 levels
- !Code GFBDAY24 – 50 color credits, 2M RC, 20M yen, and 20 levels
- !Code Thanksgiving24 – 60 color credits
- !Code BoysARunner – 1M RC and 500k yen
- !Code DayOfTheDead24 – rewards
- !Code Hallow24 – rewards
- !Code ISurvivedLegacyDashControls – 60 color credits and 40 levels
- !Code TY FOR PLAYING 🙂 – re-do focus, 30 color credits, 1M RC, and 10M yen
- !Code ReJ13 – 13 levels
- !Code OOPS TWO CODES – 10M yen
- !Code 1M-GROUP-MEMBERS – 100 color credits, 1M RC, and 1M yen
- !Code RGISBACK! – 1M RC and 500k yen
- !Code TG-10th-ANNIVERSARY – 1M RC and 500k yen
- !Code 070424 – 1M RC and 500k yen
- !Code trainerbrainrot – 1M RC and 10m yen
- !Code ReCode! – ten levels or 30 color credits (new servers only)
- !Code ANNIVERSARY-6 – 6M RC, 60m yen, and 60 color credits
- !Code Gullible – rewards
- !Code Ribbon – 30 color credits
- !Code HAPPY 2024 – RC, yen, and color credits
- !Code STAR OF 2024 – exclusive mask
- !Code 2M FAVS – rewards
- !Code ALL HAIL PVP KING BLOOD! – exclusive mask
- !Code Hallow23 – 1,000,000 RC and 500,000 yen
- !Code ANNIVERSARY-5 – 4M RC and 4M yen
- !Code 500MV – 500k RC and 500k yen
- Code ReCode!: Ödüller için sunucuda yeni olmak gerekir.
- !Code ANNIVERSARY-6: 6 milyon RC, 60 milyon yen & 60 Renk Kredisi
- !Code Ribbon: Ödüller
- !Code HAPPY 2024: RC Yen and Renk Kredileri
- !Code STAR OF 2024: Özel Maske
- !Code 2M FAVS: Ödüller
- !Code XMAS23: Ödüller
- !Code Hallow23: Ödüller
- !Code ANNIVERSARY-5: 4,000,000 RC & 4,000,000 yen
- !Code ANNIVERSARY-4: 4,000,000 RC & 4,000,000 yen
- !Code ALL HAIL PVP KING BLOOD!: Özel Maske Kodu
- !TrafMask: Traf Maskesi
- !Code 500MV: 500,000 RC and 500,000 yen
- !Code ANNIVERSARY-2: 2,020,000 RC and 2,020,000 yen
- !Code 1M FAVS: 1,000,000 RC and 1,00,000 yen
- !Code HNY2020 : 500,000 RC and 500,000 yen
- !Code Sub2EDITTY: 50,000 yen
- !Code Sub22KMz: 50,000 yen
- !Code Sub2OrdinaryPotato: 50,000 yen
- !Code Sub2GoldenOwl: 50,000 yen
- !Code Sub2Roball: 50,000 yen
- !Code Sub2Sagee4: 50,000 yen
- !Code Sub2xAomSakarin: 50,000 yen
- !Code Sub2Sky1Ms: 50,000 yen
- !Code Sub2Praveen: 50,000 yen
- !RoballMask: Deku Maskesi
- !ibemask
- !Roziku
- !Code Sub2КоПанда
- !Code Sub2NanoProdigy
- !Code Sub2Telanthric
- !Code Sub2RedDeMon
- !Code Sub2Sky1Ms
- !Code Sub2NaiMark
- !Code Sub2MIANNN
- !Code Sub2MaTunMCS
- !Code Sub2KeizoHaHa
- !Code Sub2ItsBear
- !Code Sub2Tokiitou
- !Code FollowGODisPP
- !Code Sub2ibemaine
- !Code Sub2Axiore